Administration, management and registered head office
Via Nobel, 19 - 42124 Reggio Emilia
Tel. 0522.53011
- Fax 0522.530100
Free phone number 800.836655
Regional areas
Via Pietro Chiesa n.7 int.13 – 8° piano
16149 Genova
Tel. 010/5373711
Fax 010/5373739 – 729
Lombardy Area
Largo Donegani, 2 - 20121 Milano
Tel. 02/2909891 - Fax 02.6570540
North-East Area
Via Uruguay 85 - 2° piano 35127 Padova
Tel. 049/8538111
Via Zandonai, 40 - 44124 Ferrara
Tel. 0532.908611 - Fax 0532.769675
Emilia Area
Via Elsa Morante, 71 - 41123 Modena
Tel. 059.317611 - Fax 059.452058
Via Guicciardi, 14 - 42122 Reggio Emilia
Tel. 0522.268711
Central Area
Viale Europa - 50018 Scandicci (FI)
Tel. 055.22621 - Fax 055.2262331
Via Santa Giuliana 25/b Loc. Bacanella
06063 Magione (PG)
Tel. 075.5173193 - Fax 075.5173325
Southern Central Area
Via Vincenzo Lamaro, 25/A/U2
00173 Roma (RM)
Tel. 06-72651511

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