Collective catering

School, healthcare and company catering

Commercial catering

Customised catering formats and solutions

Welfare Services

Tailor-made solutions and welfare services for the well-being of your employees


Our vision

Our Idea of Sustainability
Sustainability is one of CIRFOOD’s core values. In fact, if we want to do business today, we cannot ignore it: it’s a sign of responsibility, social commitment and love for our planet and the people who live here.
For all intents and purposes, it’s a sign of civilisation.

We believe that everyone has the right to proper nutrition. Food is an asset to enjoy and share socially. We promote conscious consumption for a better lifestyle and to protect our resources.
Because it is only by implementing sustainable development policies that we can guarantee everyone gets the enjoyment and quality of proper nutrition.

2030 Agenda

In 2015, United Nations Member States signed the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: a list of 17 ambitious goals that all the countries should achieve by 2030.

CIRFOOD has prioritised the following goals.

Beating hunger

To end hunger, achieve food safety, improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

CIRFOOD believes that a healthy, safe diet is a right that should be guaranteed to everyone. We encourage the general public to bring food onto their table that can offer quality, good health, well-being and safety at the right price.
good health and well-being

To ensure health and well-being for everyone and for all ages

CIRFOOD promotes a healthy and harmonious working environment to offer the best conditions possible so our staff can enjoy excellent physical, psychological and social well-being.
Quality education

To provide high-quality, impartial and inclusive education and learning opportunities for everyone

Culture is one of CIRFOOD’s three core values. We invest in knowledge, education, training and research to nurture people’s curiosity and understanding, whether they are employees or customers, adults or children.
Clean and affordable energy

To ensure that everyone has access to cost-effective, reliable, sustainable and modern energy systems

CIRFOOD is convinced that the decisions we take every day are the ones that will shape our future. In this sense, energy consumption has one of the greatest environmental impacts for CIRFOOD. To protect our planet’s resources, we have focused our work on the issue of energy efficiency all throughout our service supply chain.
Respectable jobs and economic growth

To promote long-lasting, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and a respectable job for everyone

CIRFOOD’s heritage is the thousands of people who work with us every day. We strive to guarantee continued employment and to ensure that the development of the company aims to create new jobs. We offer our staff practical measures so they can work and live better and we promote a working environment that supports their personal and professional growth.
industry, innovation and infrastructure

To build a resilient infrastructure and to promote innovation and fair, responsible and sustainable industrialisation

Innovation for CIRFOOD is a strategic tool for predicting and interpreting the future and for anticipating the needs of customers and stakeholders in order to guarantee sustainable services and solutions that are capable of improving their lifestyles and well-being.
sustainable cities and communities

To make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, durable and sustainable

To create truly sustainable and liveable cities, CIRFOOD intends to promote a new culture of environmental well-being and social inclusion, designing places that offer everyone, regardless of the conditions of their health, age or gender, the chance to use and fully enjoy the services offered.
Responsible consumption and production

To guarantee sustainable models of production and consumption

For CIRFOOD, the foods of the future are those that protect our consumers’ health, respect the rights of food industry workers and safeguard the resources of our planet, while reducing waste.

in figures

We realised long ago that over-exploitation of natural resources would have repercussions on all of society as it compromises the development of future generations.

The figures shown below refer to the performances of CIRFOOD S.C. in 2023. Are therefore excluded from the report: CIRFOOD Retail, foreign Companies in Belgium and Netherlands and other subsidiaries.

Quality and safety

CIRFOOD’s mission focuses on quality and the customer: this leads us every day to a mindset of integrated responsibility which upholds our core principles: passion, transparency, ethics and respect for market rules, quality, guaranteed professionalism and food safety in our catering service, protecting people’s health, customer and staff satisfaction, product traceability, as well as a focus on food education and protecting the environment.

This is why we have adopted various voluntary certification systems over the years to maintain and improve our catering services, achieving ever higher performances and ensuring economic, environmental and social sustainability in the everyday running of canteens.

All our systems are integrated with each other to ensure the best application in the various catering services we operate. Our staff ensure that the company self-monitoring manuals are strictly applied, which cover national, regional and local laws and regulations, but also describe the procedures taken to ensure the highest level of food and health safety. Systematic controls, such as laboratory analysis and check-lists, are regularly arranged by highly professional staff who conduct incredibly thorough inspections.


Our solid commitment can be seen by our Certified Management Systems that are in line with our Company Mission.

Quality and Food safety

Health and Safety at work


Corporate Social Responsibility


Our sustainability

Every year, CIRFOOD produces a Sustainability Report in the belief that it is an important, transparent tool for analysing and checking that any business it conducts meets its benchmark values. The Sustainability Report is presented and handed out at the General Meeting.


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