Anti-Bribery Management Systems - ISO 37001
UNI ISO 37001 - Anti-bribery Management Systems is an important tool for preventing and combating corruption.
It defines requirements and provides a useful guideline to implement and continuously update a management system for the prevention of corruption in line with the highest internationally recognised standards;
it outlines the requirements to be met in order to obtain a risk management system capable of supporting the enterprise in the fight against corruption, including through the dissemination of ethical business culture, based on integrity and compliance with applicable regulations.
Obtaining such certification allows an organisation to:
- preventing, detecting and combating corruption;
- increase the effectiveness of anti-corruption tools, also integrating with the business organisational models adopted pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001;
- facilitate compliance with existing anti-corruption legislation;
- increase its reliability also towards its stakeholders.
One of the key factors of CIRFOOD’s reputation lies in its willingness and ability to conduct its business with loyalty, fairness, transparency, honesty and integrity, in full compliance with the laws and regulations that apply to the business.
Loyalty and transparency are important values for us to pursue through the implementation of a systemic approach oriented to prevention. The achievement of this new Certification is just another piece that CIRFOOD adds to its mosaic, confirming once again the quality of the policies put in place to protect the principles expressed in our Code of Ethics.
The achieved result demonstrates the determination of our cooperative enterprise in countering the corruptive phenomenon within the scope of its activities and business relations, in absolute coherence with our corporate mission.
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