For CIRFOOD it is unthinkable to talk about growth and development without thinking about the issue of environmental protection, which is for us not only a variable to be taken into account in normal business management, but a guiding value of our way of doing business.
For this reason, we have long set up an environmental management system that allows us to keep under control our processes and their impact on the environment.
The registration according to the EMAS Regulation represents a further step of the path through which we want to concretize our commitment to contribute to a Sustainable Development.
EMAS Regulation EC/1221/2009 - Eco-Management and Audit System (as also amended by Regulations (EU) 2017/1505 and 2018/2026) describes a voluntary Environmental Management System for public and private organisations that wish to commit to evaluating and improving their environmental performance. This Regulation involves a process of collecting environmental data and communicating them to the outside world through the elaboration of an Environmental Declaration, validated by an accredited environmental verifier.
This Environmental Statement, together with the sustainability report, allows us to provide:
- Information about the environmental impacts and performance of our processes
- Commitments to the continuous improvement of our environmental performance
- Results achieved in relation to environmental objectives
In addition, the process allows, at the end, the registration of the organisation in the Register of EMAS organisations updated at European level.
The EMAS Italia Section of the Committee for the Ecolabel and Ecoaudit in the meeting of 25 May 2022 approved the registration of the organization CIRFOOD.
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